Kelly's Pool Care: Servicing Arlington, Colleyville, Coppell, Grapevine, Kennedale, Mansfield, N. Grand Prairie & Rendon, Texas


How to Remove Swimming Pool Stains

How to Remove Swimming Pool Stains

Is there anything more visually unappealing than a big dark stain at the bottom of your pool? We couldn’t agree more. Luckily, we’ve made it easy to properly identify the type of stain—and offer easy solutions to clean them correctly.

Pandemic, Freeze, Now What?

Pandemic, Freeze, Now What?

Just as the pool industry had begun its rebound from the freeze, there’s news that one of the country’s largest chlorine tablet manufacturers burned down in August. Experts believe the resulting chlorine shortage could continue into May of 2022.

Diving Rocks

Diving Rocks

We are suggesting diving rocks become the new diving boards. With less opportunity for injury, we’re here to get you behind the idea of diving rocks.

Frozen Pool Repair Status Report

Frozen Pool Repair Status Report

In February Texans were unexpectedly left without power for several days, resulting in lifeless and frozen-solid pool equipment. When the water in the PVC pipes and filter housings froze, it expanded, leaving damage unlike anything we’ve seen in our 30 years of pool repair.